Just-in-Time Smartphone Resonance Breathing for Self-management of Drug Cravings, Stress, and Anxiety
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About the Webinar:
Most treatments and interventions for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) require that individuals engage in interpersonal communication with their health service providers or individuals in their recovery support network. However, at the specific moment when people resume their misuse of opioids, they are often alone or with people who enable their substance use. This webinar will provide information on the utilization of paced breathing exercises, delivered by smartphone, for self-management of drug cravings, stress, and anxiety. This session will include an overview of just-in-time interventions for substance use disorders, the biological basis for paced-breathing effectiveness, and user experience results from a pilot study.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the fundamental concept of just-in-time (JIT) smartphone interventions and their relevance across various domains.
- Describe the physiological mechanisms behind smartphone-delivered resonance breathing exercises. This includes exploring how it affects the autonomic nervous system, heart rate variability, and overall stress levels.
- Recognize indicators of a positive user experience of JIT smartphone interventions.
Lili Windsor, PhD, MSW, Professor of Social Work and Associate Dean for Research. School of Social Work, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Fiona Conway, PhD, Associate Director of Research at the Addiction Research Institute at Steve Hicks School of Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin
Funding for this initiative was made possible by cooperative agreement no. 1H79TI086770 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
For more information on Providers Clinical Support System - Medication for Opioid Use Disorder, visit https://pcssnow.org/courses/
PCSS-MOUD Funding Statement:
Funding for this initiative was made possible by cooperative agreement no. 1H79TI086770 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
ASWB ACE CE Language:
Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), provider #1163, is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. CSWE maintains responsibility for this course. ACE provider approval period: 01/23/2018 - 01/23/2027. Social workers completing this course receive 1.00 continuing education credits.